Rainbow six siege zombie modus
Rainbow six siege zombie modus

rainbow six siege zombie modus

  • Why does Millennium want to fight Alucard and destroy England in Hellsing? Revenge for being defeated by the Allies during World War II? Nope.
  • TB in Cowboy Bebop Teddy Bomber episode has a reason that's very important to him for bombing tall buildings, and he keeps trying to explain it, but every last time he tries, he's interrupted.
  • rainbow six siege zombie modus

  • Black Lagoon actually gives this trope something of a serious treatment with Masahiro Takenaka, a villain in one of the arcs who's an ex-member of the Japanese Red Army: having long since outgrown any notion that he'll ever get to incite a worldwide revolution through his actions, Takenaka keeps fighting as part of terrorist organizations that have absolutely nothing to do with his original goals because being an enemy of the state's the only thing he finds meaning in doing with the series' usage of Black-and-Grey Morality, he's actually presented sympathetically for it.
  • Moreover, any cause, if presented, runs the risk of actually making sense ( if only to some people), maybe even more sense than the hero's animalistic urge to Kill Them All with extreme prejudice. Not only is this done in order to not insult anybody's religion or politics (or earn the ire of people with a known tendency to blow up people they don't like), in many cases, a cause is simply irrelevant to the plot, the macho Action Hero just needs a plausible excuse to kick/shoot at things without a second thought. All of these things are often ignored in media, especially in propaganda. Rather than wearing their evil on their sleeves, terrorists generally believe they're the good guys. Rather than engaging in random violence, terrorists generally pick their targets based on symbolic or strategic value. Terrorism, by its definition, is intended to further some ideology or goal.

    rainbow six siege zombie modus

    Obviously, this is not a realistic representation of how terrorism actually works. These can actually be very dangerous opponents, being ruthless, impossible to predict, and impossible to negotiate with, and generally occupying the place once held by demons throughout world mythology. Apparently, terrorists are willing to kill, maim, torture - not to mention putting their own lives at risk - merely For the Evulz.

    Rainbow six siege zombie modus